This impact story was published by Humanity for Children. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Mary returns to school malaria-free

Dear Ontay,

Mary is from Rota, Kenya, and recently suffered from malaria. This disease is easily transmittable from mosquitoes. Although malaria is a curable disease, it can be deathly without proper medical aid. Mary could not attend school because she was too ill and could not afford the malaria medicine.

Humanity for Children works to prevent cases like Mary’s from going untreated. Mary’s father brought her to the Rota clinic, where she benefited from the 10 Child Medication Kit.

Thanks to your donation, Ontay, Mary received the treatment she needed before the disease could cause any permanent damage. Mary can now attend school again and continue her happy life with her friends and family.

Thank you, Ontay, for recognizing the need for aid and curing Mary of a serious disease. By funding the 10 Child Medication Kit, you are saving lives.



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