Hillary receives the medication he desperately needs

Dear Amit, Kandace, Lesley, Michael, Sarah, Sarah, John, Amit, and Eric,

Thank you all for supporting Humanity for Children. Your generous contributions funded a month of medical care for someone like Hillary, who struggled to combat the symptoms of pneumonia and finally got access to invaluable medication.

Humanity for Children was created out of the growing need for medical care, especially for children in the developing world. Many rural areas are not aware of basic healthcare needs such as vaccinations, child-care checkups, and basic medicines when they are sick. Most families can only afford to send their children to the free primary schools, regardless of grades as they cannot afford the cost of upper education. This has created a growing problem in this area, as children are often ill with preventable, treatable, or curable illnesses and do not live up to their potential both developmentally and intellectually. This disrupts not only their growth and well being, but also that of the family and town as a whole.

Humanity for Children sponsors the local clinic in Rota, Kenya where clinical officers treat 1,500-1,800 women and children a month. Local clinics such as the one run by Humanity for Children are especially important in Kenya where there is only 1 doctor per 10,000 people.

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Carolyne receives support during a dark time

Dear Manish,

Thank you for supporting Humanity for Children (HfC) and donating a 10 child medication kit to young ones in need. Poverty, and subsequent poor access to quality healthcare, results in 24,000 preventable child deaths EVERY DAY. HfC saves lives by sponsoring community health posts to support rural populations without access to quality healthcare.

Your donation supports Carolyne, who is seen here in the Rota Dispensary in Kenya giving blood sample for a test. She was later diagnosed of malaria. Without your kindness, Manish, Carolyne would have been all on her own. Thank you!

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Rota Dispensary provides hope

Dear Margaret,

Thank you for supporting Humanity for Children (HfC) and donating a 10 child medication kit to young ones in need. Poverty, and subsequent poor access to quality healthcare, results in 24,000 preventable child deaths EVERY DAY. HfC saves lives by sponsoring community health posts to support rural populations without access to quality healthcare.

Your donation supports Christine, who was brought to the Rota Dispensary in Kenya to get treatment from a disease diagnosed as malaria. Without your help, Margaret, Christine would have nowhere to turn. Thank you!

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Elizabeth receives another month of care

Dear Ronnie, Tania, Katie, Jennifer, Justin, Molly, Amy, and Kristen and Phillip,

Elizabeth is in the nutrition program that Humanity for Children started at the Rota Clinic in Kenya. The Rota Clinic has been a savior for Elizabeth because she not only receives food rations through the malnutrition program, but she also receives treatment for malaria. Through your generous donations, Humanity for Children can provide Elizabeth with another month of lunches. Thank you for your help and commitment to making a difference in children’s lives!

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Mary returns to school malaria-free

Dear Ontay,

Mary is from Rota, Kenya, and recently suffered from malaria. This disease is easily transmittable from mosquitoes. Although malaria is a curable disease, it can be deathly without proper medical aid. Mary could not attend school because she was too ill and could not afford the malaria medicine.

Humanity for Children works to prevent cases like Mary’s from going untreated. Mary’s father brought her to the Rota clinic, where she benefited from the 10 Child Medication Kit.

Thanks to your donation, Ontay, Mary received the treatment she needed before the disease could cause any permanent damage. Mary can now attend school again and continue her happy life with her friends and family.

Thank you, Ontay, for recognizing the need for aid and curing Mary of a serious disease. By funding the 10 Child Medication Kit, you are saving lives.



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Orphan Gets Another Chance

Dear UBS,

Thank you for your donation UBS, which provided a medication kit equipped to treat 10 children in Kenya and Rwanda. Your kindness allowed Moses to be treated for pneumonia. Moses is an orphan who is being raised by his grandmother and aunt. Thank you for making a difference in his life!

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Rota Clinic is a success because of you!

Dear Yelena, Thomas, Cindy, Adam, Tom, Sarah, Prachi, Colleen, Jokichi, and UBS,

Winfred, Humanity for Children’s Clinical Officer at the Rota Clinic in Rota, Kenya, is able to see more than 80 patients a day because of your donations. More and more people are traveling to the clinic because of the services Winfred and others are able to provide.

These clinic workers recently won an award for their excellent services to HIV patients in the district. The Rota Clinic has grown and its services have expanded because of your support, which means that more and more children’s lives can be saved!

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HIV Nurses are very valuable

nurses to do AIDS testing
Dear Kevin, Pamela, Julian, Microsoft, Microsoft, Burcu, Tony, Amit, Kara, and Carrie,

In Kenya, a diagnosis of HIV is still very stigmatized and people can lose their jobs and be outcast from their community and family.  Women may be trying to deal with having passed the virus onto their children.   In addition to providing medication, it is very important to provide counseling to the patients to address their coping with the diagnosis as well as counseling them on prevention and living with the disease.

You generous donation to our Rota, Kenya, clinic provides support to our HIV counselling nurses as well as our clinical officer.  This support is extremely valuable in the area and we thank you for letting us be able to provide it!

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Johanthan had the flu

Dear Cecile,

Johnathan was brought by his mother into our Kenya facility with dehydration and flu symptoms.  He was diagnosed with the flu and was treated with one of our medical kits, receiving multi-vitamins, rehydration, and deworming medications.  In Kenya, child mortality rates are high, with children dying every day from curable diseases such as the flu.  Thanks to you, two year old Johnathan received the treatment he needed!

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Food and nutrition are difficult to monitor in the rural areas

Dear Amy, Danielle, Mike, , Bjorn, Ursula, Kandace, Brittany, Tanu, Bill and Colleen, Holly, and Ehtasham,

You made a real difference in someone’s life! Baby Joyce, 20 months old, and her mother Maurine were seen by the clinical workers in her village. She was recognized to be very malnourished and was taken to the main clinic in Rota where she received a complete medical exam and multivitamins.  Then she was started on a high calorie nutritious diet.  Most of the time it takes at least 3-6 months for a malnourished child to be considered out of danger.  In this area of the world lacking many resources, watching a child and monitoring her health over such a long period of time can be difficult or impossible. This can also be a great stigma in the area; Maurine did not want to show her face as she was ashamed at being unable to provide nutrition for her child.

Thanks to your generous donation, we are able to fund a full-time clinical officer who follows the progress of these children with the help of the rural clinical workers, and supplies the food needed to help children like Joyce grow.

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